Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mrs Tips' tip

Last year my wife, the delectable Mrs Tips, tipped Hairy Molly to win the Champion Bumper at the rather rewarding odds of 33/1. If truth be told, Mrs Tips tips more winners at bigger prices than me; it's just that I try and keep quiet about it.

Regular readers of this blog have been demanding to know what Mrs Tips is tipping this year. Taking a minute off from bringing in buckets of coal for the fire, Mrs Tips said she would be backing Mad Fish in tomorrow's Champion Bumper due off at 5.20.


Anonymous said...

A little birdie tells me that Mrs Tips has already had a winner having gone for Sublimity at 16-1 earlier on Tuesday. No pressure now! How's that for a 'Cheeky Lady', subtle clue to another possible there! Mustn't get over confident of course!

Lady Cymbeline

GeeDee said...

Mrs Tips' tip finshed unplaced this year. Ah well, there's always next year...