Sunday, January 27, 2008

Trials' verdict and other matters

While Jeremy Paxman concerns himself with trials of Marks & Spencer's underpants, the rest of us are more concerned with the results of yesterday's trials at Cheltenham. Inglis Drever's victory marks him out as potential banker material for the Festival. Franchoek (4/1) rightly heads the Triumph market and you'd assume there was more to come from Aigle D'or. Maljimar won impressively but both Patman Du Charmil and Nacarat went hell for leather up front and that looked to set the race up for something coming from behind. It's academic in any case as trainer Nick Williams has said he intends to send Maljimar to Newbury on March 1st.

On Friday Kieren Fallon was banned from riding worldwide for a period of eighteen months. His split with Coolmore was announced quickly afterwards. Fallon has lodged an appeal, publicly stating that this is not the end of his career and that he will return to race-riding.

It's somewhat ironic that a guy called Ben Gallop should have to explain the BBC's decision to withdraw several aspects of its Ceefax racing service. Over the past few months I've manged to steadily wean myself off - I think I can live without it now.

I'm acutely aware of the dearth of winners provided by this blog over the past few weeks. In a desperate attempt to address this troublesome situation I shall be watching a programme entitled 'Derren Brown: The System' which Channel Four is broadcasting this coming Friday, February 1st, at 9.00 pm. Quoting from the TV schedule in front of me: '"Is it possible," wonders Brown, "to predict every time which horse will win?"' If it is, I'll pass on the details here.

Finally, I'd hardly describe myself as the most romatic of souls but, with Valentine's Day just around the corner, the Weekender's recent offer of 15 words for a tenner looked tempting. I mulled it over but reasoned that Mrs Tips never reads the Weekender anyway, so I stuffed the money on Blazing Bailey at Cheltenham yesterday. Some you win and...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid Derren Brown's System might not be particularly helpful. It will likely rely on a trick that I describe on my blog -